Join the #SynthFamFollowFriday #RetweetChallenge2020 for Synthwave Fans, Artists and Bands on Friday 17th Jan 2020
Happy New Year Synthwaver! I was looking at my twitter feed today and noticed a Synthwave Artist asking for people to follow & support another account .... and it got me thinking .... There are so many Synthwave Producers and Fans around the world who could really do with some extra encouragement and support .... so what better than a Twitter Challenge to get Fans and Artists following each other .... all in a community spirit of the #SynthFam. The #SynthFamFollowFriday ReTweet Challenge 2020 Advice online suggests the best way to do this is to ask a bunch of people to tweet the same message with the #SynthFamFollowFriday hashtag in .... asking THEIR followers to ' RETWEET with Comment ' with the hashtag in the comment. Tweets should mention this challenge and should include 1 link to your own music or favourite synthwave media .... this tweet is designed to get YOU more followers whilst spreading the momentum around Twitter using the Ha...